Independent Living Assessments

Are you a young adult who finds themselves at a crossroads? Perhaps you've recently graduated from high school, or you're on the brink of doing so. Maybe you're facing the prospect of aging out of district-based services and feeling unsure about what comes next. If you're eager to pursue higher education or competitive employment opportunities, but feel uncertain about the path forward, our Independent Living Assessment is here to help.

What does the Independent Living Assessment entail?

Record Review: We meticulously examine your academic history and achievements, gaining valuable insights into your strengths and areas for growth.
Parent and Student Interviews: Your perspective matters. Through thoughtful discussions with both you and your parent(s), we aim to understand your shared aspirations, concerns, and expectations.
Skill Assessments: Our experienced team conducts comprehensive skill assessments covering academic readiness, social interactions, time management, and essential daily life skills. This holistic approach enables us to develop a complete readiness profile.
Standardized Testing: Objective measures provide us with a clearer understanding of your academic potential, facilitating the creation of targeted recommendations tailored to your unique strengths and challenges.
Tailored Recommendations: Drawing from the assessment outcomes, we offer actionable recommendations designed to support your journey toward independent living. Whether it involves honing specific skills or exploring tailored programs, our insights provide a roadmap for success.
Don't navigate this transitional period alone. Let our Independent Living Assessment empower you to make informed decisions and confidently embark on the next chapter of your journey. 

Individual Services

Our individual services are designed to pave the way for a successful transition into adulthood by empowering young adults to increase their independence in daily living activities, navigate the community with confidence, and cultivate meaningful social connections. Here's what sets our services apart:

Comprehensive Assessment: Each young adult undergoes a thorough evaluation, utilizing both standardized tests and skill assessments to identify their unique strengths and areas for growth.
Personalized Goal Setting: We believe in setting objective and measurable goals tailored to address the specific needs of every individual we serve.
Flexible Delivery: Our services are delivered in diverse settings, including your own home, various community locations, and internship sites, ensuring convenience and relevance to real-world environments.
Family Support: We offer family training sessions to empower families to work together in encouraging progress toward goals outside of sessions, fostering a supportive environment for continued growth.

Social Classes

Our social classes offer a dynamic learning environment tailored to the needs of young adults receiving services from Zeal. Here's what you can expect:

Individualized Attention: With small class sizes, each student receives the personalized attention they need to work on their specific goals effectively.
Goal-Oriented Approach: Prior to joining a group, each student undergoes assessment to develop targeted goals that guide their learning journey within the class.
Diverse Settings: Social classes take place in a variety of locations, including our office, virtual platforms, community settings, and internship sites, maximizing opportunities for experiential learning.
Peer Engagement: Our classes provide young adults a chance to connect with like-minded peers, fostering a supportive community while acquiring essential skills for adulthood success.
Zeal's services for young adults are intricately designed to provide both individuals and their parents with the essential knowledge and resources needed to confidently navigate the often uncharted territory following high school. By partnering with us, families can streamline the path to higher education, competitive employment, and independent living. We aim to transform what can be a daunting phase into an exciting journey marked by growth, heightened independence, and enhanced self-confidence.

Contact us today to explore our services further!
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